Movie Story:
Adipurush is a screen adaptation of the Indian epic Ramayana that revolves around the triumph of Good over Evil. Raghav, the prince of the Ikshvaku dynasty from Kosala, has been serving a 14-year exile in the wilderness along with his wife Janaki and younger brother Shesh. In the forests of Panchvati, near the river Godavari, where they are living their new life, a demoness, Shurpankha tries to seduce the brothers and attempts to take Janaki’s life, but after a failed attempt, the demoness ends up losing her ears and nose. Upon hearing of his sister’s humiliation, The Demon King Lankesh abducts Janaki to take revenge. Raghav & Shesh set out to free Janaki with the help of the Monkey King Sugriv, his aide Bajarang and their monkey army.
Movie Info:
IMDB Rating: 3.9/10
Movie Type: Drama, Fantasy
Running Time: 2h 54m
Director: Om Raut
Release Date: June 16, 2023
Language: Hindi
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